Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Wooden Ring on a Linen Strip

This is a grasping Toy for newborns. This could be hung above the movement mat for easy grasping for your newborn. The neat thing about this toy is you can store the ring after it has been used by your newborn. This comes in a neat linen cloth bag. 

This adds so much activity to your newborn. Hang this toy when only your newborn is active on the movement mat and awake. Hang it close so your little once can reach and GRASP!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Making a Topponcino...

There is a fair amount of work goes into making a topponcino. First of all they are mostly handmade. One topponcino at a time and then it is same with making covers. 
It takes most of the time to attach the eyelet and then sewing the layers together. 
The FUN part of this process is I still get very excited when I finish making a cover because I know I am welcoming a brand new baby into this world with each cover. I will be so excited, I guess when I reach that magic number one day which will be 1000 covers all made and done by me with LOVE.

What I am attempting here, is to inform Topponcino n  More customers that when they place an order please try to order the covers at the same time this saves time for the customer by getting the topponcino and the covers at the same time. Of course, if the customer add my store items to her/his wish list things could change as friends and family place the orders at different times. 

It is also wise to order these items, if possible a little earlier without waiting for the last minute to do the purchases. If you are customer placing this order to your friend or a family member it a good idea to get the items to the mom/ parent to be a little earlier if she/he decide to wash the covers prior to the arrival of the bundle of joy!

If the new baby have siblings, young siblings it better to have the topponcino prior to the arrival for some practice how to hold the baby on the topponcino. 

No matter what your situation my priority is to have the Topponcino ASAP available to you. 

I truly thank you for your business and ALWAYS GRATEFUL for retuning customers!
I take so much joy and pride welcoming newborns by making one topponcino at a time!